Divergent, 2014 http://goo.gl/3NXwD3 |
Okay let me just
start out and say I am still emotionally traumatized from the ending of this
book so I'm sorry if I am writing a little weirdly I shall try not to. Also, I am still finding my style of writing book reviews, so feel free to give me constructive criticism and such.
Okay, so
non-spoilery section.
This book, in my
opinion, wasn't as good as the first two. It wasn't as fast-paced, it was a bit
slow and political, the split narration made it confusing to work out who was
narrating what and it was quite confusing at different points.
But anyways the
Divergent Series is definitely worth a read, it's fast-paced, awesome and well
written so go and read it and then come back and check out the review to
compare it to what you think! Okay bye!
Okay. Time to start.
This book is really
quite slow compared to the other books. In Divergent, every five pages
something again hits you in the face and it never overloads you but it keeps
you very interested. In this book, it is every maybe twenty pages that
something that grabs you happens.
I think this is due
to several things, one being the info dumping.
I felt like in this
book we were getting new opinions on the Genetically Pure and Deficient every
page and people were starting like eight revolutions at the one time and with
all this fast-paced political madness, it really just doesn't grip you and you
can get very confused very fast.
I think it is also
due to the split narration, which despite how much I love Veronica Roth and her
writing, was not executed well in this book.
Tris is quite a
monotone, level character who narrates very much that way, which is all well
and good when there are other characters who level out the story (examples;
Uriah, Christina). But when we got Tobias' point of view, I was hoping for a
very different thinking style to Tris, to solidify the thoughts I had of him in
my mind.
I didn't get that.
I got chapters that
were written just like Tris', and it was extremely hard to distinguish between
the two. I also had so many problems with Tobias' character, but I'll bring
those up later.
But enough
complaining about info dumping and split narration, time to discuss the things
that leave everyone emotionally traumatised. There are, from general consensus
I have collected from around me, three main things that made people upset in
this book.
1. The fights
between Tris and Tobias.
Really, because
Tobias didn't feel like Tobias in this book, those didn't kill me as much as
they did others. Of course, I wanted them back together, but I wasn't dying
over it. I felt like their relationship was desperately trying to squeeze
itself into the plotline and it sort of failed until we reached the part where
Tobias joined the revolutionaries and they got mad at one another, which really
isn't the way I would have wanted that to pan out. I wasn't really focusing on
Fourtris until the end where he was scattering her ashes where I was *quite*
2. Tris' death.
This, now this I
agree with you on. I had a feeling she was going to die due to spoilers from
mean people, but I had already had my suspicions before the book even came out,
except my mind was pushing them to the very back because it didn't want it to
be true. It was so sad to see the girl who watched in the mirror as her mother
cut her hair, wanting to see herself more often, the girl who jumped first, the
girl who aced Dauntless initiation, the girl who shot Will, our Tris. Is dead
I think, however
emotionally distraught I am, that if her character was going to die, it should
have been for others. I think her character would've liked that. I think
everyone was so worried about Tobias dying that we sort of pushed Tris aside,
making her sort of immortal and unable to beat in our minds. Personally, I
would have preferred if Tobias died; I would've been sad for Tris but other
than that I'd be okay.
But this really took
me by surprise and I kept hoping that she'd come back to life and she'd bounce
back over the next few chapters, but no.
3. Tobias after
Tris' death.
I think what I found
the most taxing about this was that Tobias was literally taking what I was
feeling and putting it into words. I felt like someone had sucked all the air
out of me and then pushed me over, leaving me there in a puddle of feels. What
really got e was that after she died, the chapters didn't have names on them
because we knew it had to be Tobias narrating. She really was gone.
This leads me on to
my major complaint. Tobias' character.
I love Tobias, I
really do. But in this book, he changed and I think seeing into his mind really
took away the ways we saw him in. His narration was boring, and I really wanted
it to be more fun than Tris', but it really wasn't.
His reaction to
finding out he was GD (genetically deficient for short term memory people) was
not something I could see Tobias, my strong, fabulous Four, doing. I thought he
was a lot more composed and calm than that. I mean, he is still the same person.
Also, when he went
to see Nita and ignored Tris, and she ended up being right, I just couldn't see
the previous Tobias doing that. This makes me wonder whether Roth made him make
all these stupid decisions because she wanted to show how distraught he was
when finding out he wasn't really Divergent. But I still felt like it wasn't him.
I didn't like this
book as much as I did Divergent and Insurgent, but it was still the end and it
was an okay book, despite its flaws.
So leave a comment
with your feelings and maybe just a rant on how sad you are now and I we can
discuss our feelings on this emotional book in the comments :)
Bye and have a nice
Love Lily xoxo