Hi, friends! Thank you for returning to my blog, or visiting for the first time! I hope you are having a brilliant
day :)
Today, I will be reviewing a book called The Iron King by Julie Kagawa. I am fairly certain that every person on the entire internet has read this book. And I loved the idea, the blurb and the title. So, you may be wondering, why, oh why, did I not pick this up until recently?
Well, purely because many things have gotten in the way of me reading this. I find other books, then I check my local library and it's out, and then I find other books and it just gets pushed back further and further. Please tell me in the comments or with a tweet if you can relate to this.. Anyways, it's been in my TBR pile for ages, and I finally got round to reading it. I borrowed out the entire series, and read the first three over the space of two days. Obsession? Maybe. Good writing, and me getting into the series? The excuse I'm using for obsessing over this story.
This book is about faeries, and is a very cleverly executed play on Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. (I love Shakespeare, so this already had me hooked.) Meghan Chase has always known something was different about her, ever since her father disappeared in front of her when she was six. She has always felt like her mother was running from something, always felt like an outsider. On her sixteenth birthday, everything changes. When darker, magic forces threaten her family, she is thrown into the world of the fey, and must battle and fight to save what she loves. She joins forces with her best friend, who isn't who he claimed to be, a talking cat and a broody, dark faery prince to help her on her quest, but she soon realises that this is no longer just a rescue mission, but something much darker and more dangerous, something that she plays a crucial role in. Something that she can no longer run from.
I quite liked this book, and desperately loved the world it was set in, so I suggest if you haven't read it, you go to your nearest book shop or library and get yourself a copy (don't delay like I did).
Well. This book, and entire series, is nothing like I imagined it. I guess that's the case with all good books, however. You come into it thinking one thing and come out thinking another. Anyways, I will explain why
I loved this book in a way that will probably maybe hopefully not be a positive rant.
As a fan of Shakespeare, I am always excited to see references to him in any book. This is arguably the reason I picked up The Fault in Our Stars (besides the internet having a fit over it, which did make me curious). And the blurb of this book did not explain that this would be inspired by A Midsummer Night's Dream, so I was completely surprised when I found out Robbie was Puck. I almost jumped with excitement. I hoped that this play on Shakespeare's work would carry through the whole thing successfully, and not just start and end with Puck. Thankfully, and to my utmost joy, it did.
As soon as we met Oberon, I was sure that she was the Princess. In fact, as soon as Robbie called her 'Princess' in the first chapter, I was certain it wasn't just a cute pet name. It was pretty predictable, but there is no way to make it a surprise, if you know what I mean. I'm sure no one was shocked when Hagrid said, "You're a wizard, Harry" in Harry Potter. It's the type of thing you can't really make shocking (much like Ash's "death", but I'll get to that later). I loved the way Titania was written, and it just took me back to A Midsummer Night's Dream. I was sad that not only did we see very little of her in this book, but very little of her in the next few books. I would've liked to see her warm to Meghan, maybe even be a tiny bit more motherly to her.
Another very predictable thing was Robbie/Puck's love for Meghan. As soon as I heard him call her 'Princess' (this seems to be a fundamental moment of realisation for me, doesn't it?) I had a feeling this was going to turn into a "best-friend-versus-mysterious-bad-boy love triangle", similar to The Mortal Instruments. And we always know that the Mysterious Bad Boy wins. So as soon as she talked about seeing a dark, attractive boy riding a horse, I had a feeling that he might be critical to the story. And when she saw him at the ball, I knew he was love interest number two.
I must admit, the fact this name was "Ash" made me want to groan a bit, because, well, it's such a… stereotypical-young-adult-fantasy-bad-boy name. But then I remembered that these faeries had a flair for the dramatic, because his older brother's name was Sage, for crying out loud. But it still annoyed a tiny bit. But I loved Ash, because he wasn't like other YA love interests. Exactly. In my mind, he was a quieter Jace, a more cold and calculating Jace (I'm referencing The Mortal Instruments here, go read it if you haven't already). He was just such a nice contrast to Puck, and I loved seeing the three of them interact, and I still do. I liked the way that he didn't just constantly profess his love for her, and constantly throughout the series he's like that. Sometimes I find that with male love interests in YA, they start out cold and cruel to the girl, and then once they finally profess their love, it's like they just can't stop. Every four seconds it's "you're beautiful" or "I love you" or more kisses, and I liked that just because he let Meghan know that he liked her didn't mean that he totally changed the way he was. It was constant throughout the book and throughout the series, and I admire Julie Kagawa for not following the normal path.
One of the best things about this book was the ability Julie Kagawa has to write as if it really is being narrated by an irritated, emotional teenage girl but still have incredibly pretty writing. Some of the words and sentences took my breath away, and this style was completely consistent as I travelled through the first three books. Even though this is from the third book, The Iron Queen, it was one of the most memorable sentences, even though it's not important to the story at all. Grim is sitting at an eating table, where breakfast is laid out, and it says something along the lines of "he observed the opaque, pearly droplets on his paw" (talking about milk of course). It was just so pretty and it made me jealous as an author. Why, oh why, can I not make drinking milk sound as pretty as Julie Kagawa can?
I think the reason why I made this a four star instead of a five star was because things sometimes felt a little too angsty or a little too… dramatic. I know Ash is an angsty character, as with most fey, but his effect on whole storyline made it so angsty that it started to be too dramatic. When Meghan trips and Ash catches her, they just have this awkward moment of staring at each other, I wanted to groan. It reminded me of that moment in the City of Bones movie where Clary fell on top of Jace and they just stayed like that. Ughhhhhh. If it had been Puck who caught Meghan (believe me, I totally think Meg and Ash were perfect for each other, this is just an example), he would've given her a cheeky smile and some smart, sassy quip that would've made the whole scene less groan-worthy and more cutesy. Anyways, I guess having angsty scenes is just an effect of having a more concealed character.
My other major complaint about this book was that Meghan was just a bit… wimpy. Don't get me wrong, if I was in that world, I would be clinging to Ash's legs and refusing to let go until he gave me a sword and some basic fighting lessons, but I'm not a YA protagonist. It just felt kind of deflating that she kept running behind the defences of the males around her. As a feminist, this made me a little irritated, but later on in the series, she asks Ash to teach her how to fight and she becomes stronger and much more tough and willing to fight. In my eyes, her fear to fight for herself in this book is there so it can be developed later on, however, looking at it from just this book's example, it did make me a little unhappy.
Anyways that's my thoughts on The Iron King, and I hope you can leave a comment with your thoughts, along with your twitter name and I will shout you out/follow you :)
Have a terrific day and I'll see you here next week for a recommendation!
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Breaking Beautiful Recommendation
bookstore. I have some spare money for books. I'm stocking up on books for the next few weeks.
So first I pick up The Peculiars, which I still haven't read yet, but it looked interesting and gothic, which is a sure-fire hit with me. Then I pick up Pure, which my friend recommended to me, and it sounded interesting, so I added that to my pile.
Then I saw a book with a cool, police tapped cover, called Breaking Beautiful, by Jennifer Shaw Wolf. I pick it up thinking it would be a teen-detective, crime-solving mystery story.
That's not what I got.
Allie can't remember the night her boyfriend, Trip, died. She remembers him driving, driving right over the cliff, but somehow, she survived. He didn’t. Her brother, Andrew, and best friend, Blake, along with her teachers and parents are trying to help Allie move on.
The impossible starts happening when Allie thinks she's seeing Trip. But he's gone. Gone. And whilst dealing with the aftermath of the accident, Allie tries to fix her broken relationship with Blake, and watches her brother make relationships on his own.
But will Allie ever remember what happened? And will she be forced to give up a deep, dark secret she's been hiding about Trip for far too long?
This book is just fantastic, although it's a lot darker than you may think when you pick it up. It's certainly darker than I thought it would be. Be wary of that when picking it up, it's probably not for younger readers.
If you're into dark crime/psychological thrillers, like The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer (one of my favourites, by the way) then you will love this. It's dark, it's mysterious, it's a bit scary, and it's brilliant. I don't want to spoil it, so I can't say much about it, but I seriously recommend it.
If any of you have read Breaking Beautiful or if anyone wants a review, I can write one up and post it, just let me know in the comments or with a tweet to @lilypherondale :)
Have a wonderful day and I shall see you all next time!
Monday, 16 June 2014
Best TV Shows Ever
Oh my goodness, it's been forever and I am very, very sorry, dear bookish friends! I have been so busy, but I will try very hard to post more often...
So this week, as a special treat, I decided I'd take a break from books, because, let's face it, some nights, we're exhausted and trying to read is like trying to catch smoke- you can see it, but you just can't grasp it. Even the best readers must find it hard to completely concentrate on a book when they're exhausted.
But yet you still want your daily dose of fiction! It's a calamity, really. But don't fret, young booklings, I am here with a few recommendations for the one way to solve this issue- television shows.
This will work in a similar way to how I do "what I've read" posts- a short synopsis, reasons why I love it and who I recommend it for. There are five TV shows to get through, so let's get started!
1. Sherlock (BBC)
Sherlock by the BBC is my favourite television show of all time. I am very much in the fandom, and I love it to the point of it probably not being healthy but anyways. I'm sure everyone has heard of Sherlock Holmes, and this show takes the original stories and throws them into the twenty-first century. A much ruder, colder and more sassy Sherlock runs into the path of John Watson, an ex-army doctor with a slight adrenaline addiction. Together, they solve Conan Doyle mysteries with 21st-century twists, and every moment of this show is perfect. I have fallen in love with Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock (and Benedict himself, but anyways) and I highly recommend this show to anyone who likes Sherlock Holmes, crime stories, or even just good TV. It's brilliant and I cannot express my love for it in a mere paragraph, so moving on…
2. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was an obvious choice of TV pass time for me, as I love Marvel and The Avengers and everything of that sort. I did not expect it to be as good as it was, and I did not expect it to get even better. The entire show, not just the characters, evolves and grows with every new episode. Not to mention the fact that lots of it ties together with other Marvel movies. The characters are wonderful and the stories get better and better, and the last episode I watched left me pondering everything I knew about the show for days. The ships in this show are just perfect and I cannot wait to see where this show will go next. I recommend this show for fans of Marvel, fans of more comic-style shows and movies and anyone wanting a good wind-down show that doesn't require the intellectual power that Sherlock does.

3. Doctor Who
There is so much I could say about this show and simply not enough time. I only got into this half-way
through last year, so I had lots of catching up to do… But my catching up has been very patchy… (oops). Anyways, the last Doctor, the 11th Doctor, was fabulous and so was the one before him, 10. I love their characters so much and I love the way they interact with their companions. Not to mention the fact that it's a fantastic show with brilliant stories! I am eagerly awaiting to see Peter Capaldi as the new Doctor; it was painful letting Matt Smith go but I think he'll do a good job. Anyways I recommend this to sci-fi fans and general all-round nerds, because this is a great show.
4. Nowhere Boys
Hang with me on this one and let me explain why it's fantastic. This was a show I found on abc iview here in Australia. It was a really fantastic show, but it was on the children's channel, and so it was immediately dismissed by people who didn't find it on the internet. This show was worth so more than people thought it was. It follows the story of four stereotypical boys who get paired together for a class excursion. They get lost, and when they finally return home, no one remembers them. There's demons and supernatural stuff and it’s just really great. Plus, there's four boys arguing and living together, it's the perfect opportunity for brotps! I definitely recommend this for anyone who likes supernatural-ish themes and teenage angst!
5. Resurrection
This show apparently didn't do as well in America even though it was an American show… but here in
Australia, I believe this show got something like two million viewers on the pilot. It was heavily advertised and did really well… And the idea really intrigued me so yes, I was one of those two million viewers. This show is about a boy who comes back from the dead, thirty-two years after his death, wearing the same clothes and looking exactly the same. This mystery gets more and more complicated as more people come back… and other forces come into play. It's a really good show and the season finale airs soon here, so I'm eagerly awaiting it! I recommend this to anyone who likes drama or mystery.
So there you have my top five tv shows that you should definitely check out! I love them all very much, but I'm always really ready to watch new shows, so comment your favourite show below!
I also plan to have a The Fault in Our Stars movie review up sometime soon, so watch out for that!
Have a lovely day,
lily xoxo
So this week, as a special treat, I decided I'd take a break from books, because, let's face it, some nights, we're exhausted and trying to read is like trying to catch smoke- you can see it, but you just can't grasp it. Even the best readers must find it hard to completely concentrate on a book when they're exhausted.
But yet you still want your daily dose of fiction! It's a calamity, really. But don't fret, young booklings, I am here with a few recommendations for the one way to solve this issue- television shows.
1. Sherlock (BBC)
Sherlock by the BBC is my favourite television show of all time. I am very much in the fandom, and I love it to the point of it probably not being healthy but anyways. I'm sure everyone has heard of Sherlock Holmes, and this show takes the original stories and throws them into the twenty-first century. A much ruder, colder and more sassy Sherlock runs into the path of John Watson, an ex-army doctor with a slight adrenaline addiction. Together, they solve Conan Doyle mysteries with 21st-century twists, and every moment of this show is perfect. I have fallen in love with Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock (and Benedict himself, but anyways) and I highly recommend this show to anyone who likes Sherlock Holmes, crime stories, or even just good TV. It's brilliant and I cannot express my love for it in a mere paragraph, so moving on…
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. was an obvious choice of TV pass time for me, as I love Marvel and The Avengers and everything of that sort. I did not expect it to be as good as it was, and I did not expect it to get even better. The entire show, not just the characters, evolves and grows with every new episode. Not to mention the fact that lots of it ties together with other Marvel movies. The characters are wonderful and the stories get better and better, and the last episode I watched left me pondering everything I knew about the show for days. The ships in this show are just perfect and I cannot wait to see where this show will go next. I recommend this show for fans of Marvel, fans of more comic-style shows and movies and anyone wanting a good wind-down show that doesn't require the intellectual power that Sherlock does.
3. Doctor Who
There is so much I could say about this show and simply not enough time. I only got into this half-way
through last year, so I had lots of catching up to do… But my catching up has been very patchy… (oops). Anyways, the last Doctor, the 11th Doctor, was fabulous and so was the one before him, 10. I love their characters so much and I love the way they interact with their companions. Not to mention the fact that it's a fantastic show with brilliant stories! I am eagerly awaiting to see Peter Capaldi as the new Doctor; it was painful letting Matt Smith go but I think he'll do a good job. Anyways I recommend this to sci-fi fans and general all-round nerds, because this is a great show.
4. Nowhere Boys
Hang with me on this one and let me explain why it's fantastic. This was a show I found on abc iview here in Australia. It was a really fantastic show, but it was on the children's channel, and so it was immediately dismissed by people who didn't find it on the internet. This show was worth so more than people thought it was. It follows the story of four stereotypical boys who get paired together for a class excursion. They get lost, and when they finally return home, no one remembers them. There's demons and supernatural stuff and it’s just really great. Plus, there's four boys arguing and living together, it's the perfect opportunity for brotps! I definitely recommend this for anyone who likes supernatural-ish themes and teenage angst!
This show apparently didn't do as well in America even though it was an American show… but here in
Australia, I believe this show got something like two million viewers on the pilot. It was heavily advertised and did really well… And the idea really intrigued me so yes, I was one of those two million viewers. This show is about a boy who comes back from the dead, thirty-two years after his death, wearing the same clothes and looking exactly the same. This mystery gets more and more complicated as more people come back… and other forces come into play. It's a really good show and the season finale airs soon here, so I'm eagerly awaiting it! I recommend this to anyone who likes drama or mystery.
So there you have my top five tv shows that you should definitely check out! I love them all very much, but I'm always really ready to watch new shows, so comment your favourite show below!
I also plan to have a The Fault in Our Stars movie review up sometime soon, so watch out for that!
Have a lovely day,
lily xoxo
Wednesday, 4 June 2014
City of Heavenly Fire Review
Cassandra Clare's City of Heavenly Fire. Of course, if you haven't read the series, firstly- WHERE THE HECK HAVE YOU BEEN OVER THE LAST FIVE YEARS?! Secondly, do not I repeat do not read any further. Grab the first book, City of Bones, and get ready to enter the world of the Shadowhunters and sell your soul to gorgeous demon hunters :)
Moving on to the rest of you, who have read the series- City of Heavenly Fire is definitely worth the read. It's hella long, this I know, almost 750 pages, but seriously, it's fantastic and well worth the read. If you stopped reading after City of Glass, stop, grab City of Fallen Angels, and just keep going. For me. Please.
Anyways, synopsis time. City of Heavenly Fire picks up where City of Lost Souls left off- Jace is no longer connected to Sebastian, but he now possesses heavenly fire. It flows through his veins and he cannot touch anyone. He has to be extremely careful with the fire, but it has one benefit- potential to kill Sebastian. And everyone needs Sebastian dead. Meanwhile, Sebastian is creating more "Endarkened" with the Infernal Cup, and his growing army will take out their wrath on Idris and the Shadowhunters if Sebastian isn't stopped. And he won't stop until he gets the one thing he wants- Clary and Jace, his sister and brother.
You must, must, read it, and once you do, come back here and discuss with me and our other Shadowhunters about the book!
See you back here soon!
Ahh, welcome to the review, those who have read COHF. Did you cry? Did you laugh? Are you emotionally destroyed forever at the thought of never having another book about Clary, Jace, Simon, Isabelle and Alec? Me too.
Okay so in this book, much like the other books in the series, we had several storylines going at once. Mainly, there were the Clary/Jace/Simon/Izzy/Alec scenes, because they are the original characters of the series and they were definitely the most dominant. Then there was the Maia scenes, where we occasionally flicked over to her to see how she was coping with the whole Downworlders when-the-cat's-away-the-mice-will-play attitude. There was also the Emma scenes, where we saw Emma and Julian and the rest of the Blackthorns, who were just a heartbreaking bunch to watch as they struggled through everything. There was also the Jocelyn/Luke/Magnus/Raphael scenes, after they were kidnapped, where we occasionally flicked back to just ensure that they were still alive.
My favourite scenes were of course the ones we spent with the big five (Clary, Jace, Simon, Izzy, Alec, occasionally Magnus but for the purposes of this book I'll leave him out). They were and forever will be my favourite characters in this whole series. Jace particularly, because he was my first "book boyfriend", and still holds my heart quite firmly. And I'll never be over my obsessive love of these characters because everything about them makes my heart swell with pride and I just wanted them to be okay and they were and just... Okay I'll stop before I get too emotional.
Anyways, the book starts with Emma and the Blackthorns at the Los Angeles Institute. They are being attacked and they are left parentless and scared. This chapter didn't really work on me because after waiting two years for this book, I wanted to tear into the storyline of my perfect Big Five and not read about poor little Shadowhunter children, even if Emma is a Carstairs.
Can I just side track for a sec and talk about Emma. I ended up really quite liking Emma. I felt sorry for her when she and Julian decided to become parabatai, because she clearly likes him and this feeling she has might not her requited. I'm super excited to see how she will develop and how her story will unfurl in The Dark Artifices, and how Cassie will deal with another potentially cheesy love story (she hasn't let me down so far, let's keep our fingers crossed!) Anyways, moving onto my main point. Emma was incredibly like Jace. And during the story, I didn't pay much attention to this. Until I realised- technically, Emma is not blood related to Jace whatsoever. I even consulted my Clockwork Princess family tree. So this got me thinking- maybe Emma has somehow, through scandal or secrecy or whatever else, acquired Herondale blood. And then I realised, on the family tree, there are records missing around Emma's grandparent's time. To me, this just seems like the perfect idea for a plot bomb later on- I would bargain that Emma Carstairs has Herondale blood in her somehow.
Moving on, let's discuss the first important character death- Jordan's. I absolutely called it.
I knew he had to die, and when he did, it was so early on and expected that it didn't exactly profoundly injure me emotionally. Of course, when I thought it through, this was the character who helped Jace meditate and who played x-box with Simon, and that made me miss him, but I definitely was not crying at this stage.
So we move on to the first major battle. I love the battles in these books because they just aren't boring. They're interesting and inthralling whereas some books can be like, "She took her sword and plunged it in the beast. The beast screamed out in pain as it died. Other people were fighting things around her. Wow." Now although that may or may not be coated in a little bit of my sass, it's very true, and I'm glad these books aren't like that. The first major battle was the attack Sebastian led on the Adamant Citadel. Now, Clary and Jace, being Clary and Jace, run through the portal when they aren't meant to and some super-weird heavenly fire crud goes down.
Firstly, Jace manages to seriously injure Sebastian with his bleeding fire thingo, and Brother Zachariah comes along, accidentally gets licked by a flame of heavenly fire, and all of a sudden, Jem comes back, Brother Zachariah is pretty much no more. Then, Clary, in an effort to heal dear Jace, puts her all into an iratze, and gets seriously hurt.
And to think, this was one of the less violent battles.
At this time, Simon is being held captive by Maureen, crazy vampire fangirl who is now the leader of the New York clan. And this remained one of my most favourite scenes until more exciting stuff started happening, because Maureen dressed Simon up and held him captive like a doll. It was hilarious, and despite Simon actually being in quite a bit of danger, he was still making me laugh.
Then, eventually, the message gets to the Shadowhunters that Sebastian is in Edom, and he wants Clary and Jace. He offers for the Clave to hand them over, however, before they can refuse, Clary and Jace leave for Edom with Simon, Izzy and Alec. The scenes in the demon realm were some of my favourite scenes. Scratch that- they were my favourite scenes. It was my Big Five wandering around a foreign place and trying to stay positive. There was so much sass and humour in those scenes that they definitely became my favourites.
I would also like to mention that it was these scenes where I started to hate Alec a lot less. Originally, he'd just sort of been there, and I'd not cared much for him. And it was during this book where I realised that I love Alec Lightwood. He was hilarious, but at the same time, so, so sad, and I wanted to sweep him up and say, "it's okay, little Alec. You'll be okay." I officially love him and I need to go back and reread the series in this newfound Alec-loving light. Also, the whole making a pie scene was hilarious and I laughed and laughed at Alec's sass.
Most of my favourite scenes were the ones in the demon realm, Edom. I loved watching them explore and fight, whilst still managing to be the Big Five we all know and love. It was while I was reading these scenes where the sadness of the end really set in for me. There were some demon battles, none of them were super significant, but then we got to Jace's heavenly fire "fireworks show". Initially, I wasn't quite sure whether this meant he'd totally gotten rid of the heavenly fire, or whether it was still in him but just less of it, but slowly I came to the conclusion that it was the latter. I'm still not positive, so if anyone knows, let me know in the comments or with a tweet :)
Anyways, besides the Edom scenes, my other favourite thing in this book was how much wonderful shippy nonsense we got! In the first, like, four chapters, we'd already had a kiss from all the big ships (and by that I mean Clace, Malec and Sizzy). Not to mention the whole Lord-Montgomery-Sizzy-inside joke (which made a fantastic reappearance in the scenes after Izzy was saved by Simon). It was all very cute and everything stayed okay… nothing was too painful.
scene had me
I also was made very emotional when Alec and Magnus were reunited, when Magnus said, "Oh, my Alec. You've been so sad. I didn't know." That line injured me on the inside and I am still trying to recover. It was so sweet and emotional and I just want to curl up and cry okay…
Moving on to a more significant thought other than my pained feelings toward Simon and Malec, I would like to discuss Sebastian. We knew he was going to die, he really did have to. What I did not expect was the sword cutting out all of the evil in him and that we would get to see Sebastian as he would have been, as Jonathan. And I think this was a really hard scene for me, because I didn't want this Jonathan to die, and it wasn't his fault. It was Valentine's. And I wished that things had been different, much like Clary did at the time. It was sad, but I knew he had to die, had to go. Because I still don't trust him, really.
Coming off that point, I am super worried about how Clary threw Sebastian's ashes into Lake Lyn. I mean, I don't actually think that the Lake can do anything in the area of piecing together ashes of a dead super-demon-Shadowhunter, but I don't know, that Lake is one of the shiftiest Instruments, I don't really trust it… What are your thoughts? I mean, if we get nice-Sebastian back, I'll be pretty okay with that, however, if we get evil-Sebastian, I think I'll scream. Then again, maybe this will never be addressed in The Dark Artifices I don't know.
I was also thrilled to see Jem and Tessa in the end scenes, and when they talked about Will, you could hear my heart shattering just a little. It was so cute to hear him talking about their ancestors and oh my goodness I never made the correlation between fRAY and gRAY. How did I miss that? Anyways, I'm super up for Clary/Tessa brotp, they would be so great together as best friends. Shopping trips with Tessa and Clary! With wives (pretty much) of Herondales oh my gosh can you imagine coffee dates?!
Tessa: Yeah, literally he was so angsty. All he did was push me away. And all that time he loved me!
Clary: We went through so many issues… We thought we were siblings for a while, then he was possessed and tried to kill me… Not to mention the fact he has a death wish the size of England!
Tessa: I guess they see it as "heroic"…
Clary: I just think he's a bit dumb.
Tessa: Yet we love them anyways…
Clary: Yeah. Remind me why again?
Anyways, I thoroughly enjoyed this book even if it does mean that The Mortal Instruments is over. The series means a lot to me. I started this series during 2012, right on the release of City of Lost Souls, and ever since, I've read over one hundred and fifty YA books. It was the series that started it all for me, and I cannot imagine what I'd be without the series, and I'm seriously going to miss Clary, Jace and the other Big Five characters. But of course, that is the beauty of books, you can throw yourself back into their world, their stories, any time you want.
So leave a comment with your thoughts or opinions on some of my theories and also your twitter name as I will follow you and or shout you out :)
Have a lovely day,
Lily xoxo
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