Hiya friends! So I thought I was probably a good idea to do a post just explaining how things are going at the moment. So, my posting has been super irregular at the moment, and trust me, it's annoying me as well. I wish I wasn't so busy and that I could just sit down and type things for you all day, because honestly, I feel so guilty not giving you guys the posts you want to see, seeing as though you're supporting my blog. Speaking of support, I am now getting 50 pageviews on average for one of my weekly posts, and I'm coming up to 1000 page views in total. That is absolutely mental and I am completely speechless at how great all you regulars are.
Anyways, I have come up with a new, proper structure to make life easier for everyone. I will post once a week, every week (unless I'm doing a special or something) and I will post on Sunday at around either 7am or 8pm AEST. I hope this is helpful. Also, if you want to be emailed every time I post something new, there's a box where you can be put down on the list to the right of the post section right here. You can also follow either of my twitters, my personal; @lilypherondale, or my blog account; @awordisanarrow, where I tweet links to new posts.
Also, I thought I'd do a check-in of all the books I've read lately, and the ones I'm planning on reading, which you can expect reviews from soon. So over the past two months, I've read ten books, and I'll talk about them below-
The Dream Thieves, Maggie Stiefvater: I left you after my last "what I've been reading" post with The Hunt by Andrew Fukuda. Next, I picked up The Dream Thieves, which was the sequel to the Raven Boys. I rather liked it, and the review for it is
here. I give it 4/5 stars.
The Prey, Andrew Fukuda: Next came The Prey, sequel to The Hunt. I liked this book a lot less than The Hunt, probably for a few reasons, the biggest one being that I hated Sissy, missed Ashley June and the heart racing adrenaline associated with Gene living in dusker society, and thought Gene's character was completely overlooked and dismissed. I give it 3/5 stars, because I desperately hoped that the next book was taking this somewhere.
Hallowed, Cynthia Hand: I decided I needed to leave the world of hepers and duskers in The Hunt Trilogy, and tried again at the Unearthly Trilogy. I actually really liked once again immersing myself in the world of angels, and it was a nice book cleanser after reading The Prey. Unfortunately, it actually wasn't very good, and neither was the plot. I had to reread it to actually properly assess it, as anything I read after The Prey was going to appear perfect… I give it 3/5 stars.
Jet Black and the Ninja Wind, Leza Lowitz: I was going through a stage of picking bad books at this point, I think, because this looked so good but was a dramatic disappointment. It is a book set in Japan, and it's about ninjas. I love Japan and ninjas, but this book was so poorly executed, and there will be a review for this probably next week. I gave it 1/5 stars on Goodreads, because it had a good premise.
Sisters Red, Jackson Pearce: This was my saving grace during this period of reading, and I still think it's the one that stands out most to me as one of the best books I've read all year. I love fairy tale adaptations, and this was so well done. It's obviously a spin on Little Red Riding Hood, and if this interests you, check out my recommendation for it
here. I gave this one 5/5 stars.
Grave Mercy, Robin LaFevers: This was where everything started to pick up. Grave Mercy was incredible, and had me wishing the sequel followed the same characters. All someone had to say was
assassin nuns and I was there. The main character is strong and brilliant, and it's set in the 1400s. I highly recommend it; assassin books are becoming my favourite, I think. I give it 5/5 stars.
I Hunt Killers, Barry Lyga: I read this because I decided I wanted to read some young adult crime fiction, and because this looked really good. It follows the story of Jasper Dent, whose father is the most devious serial killer the state has seen in a long time. With his dad locked up, Jasper needs to work out what sort of person he is, and what he wants to do in life. Of course, crime and murder and creepy psychological elements are very, very heavy in this book, and I don't suggest it if you get scared easily or don't cope with mind twisty criminals and psych thrillers. I gave it 3/5 stars, because I didn't love it.
Of Mice and Men, John Stienbeck: One of these does not belong, can you pick it? Yep, I read OMAM for a book club-ish type thing I was doing. It is a classic, and I love classics by authors like Dickens and Poe, but I didn't love this. I just finished it and thought, "that really didn't change me or influence me in any way." A classic should make you want to rethink your entire existence *cough cough great gastby, great expectations etc cough cough*, and this really didn't do it for me. I gave it 2/5 stars.
The Trap, Andrew Fukuda: Ah. Another The Hunt book. Joy. I read this with such hope, desperately praying and wishing it would be better than The Prey. It wasn't. It was worse. I'm not gonna spoil, but I disliked it so much it made me too sad to write a review on it, and I really don't want to talk about it because THIS SERIES CRUSHED MY DREAMS. 2/5 stars.
Cinder, Marissa Meyer: This book was so fabulous. As I mentioned in Sisters Red, I love fairy tale adaptions, and this was another one that was done very well. It was a take on Cinderella, and its set in future society where Cinderella is a cyborg… I highly recommend it! I am going to pick up the next book in the series relatively soon, I hope.
And those are the books I've read lately, and at the moment, I'm reading Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, which, I've been told, is "compulsory reading". So far I'm really enjoying it; I'm picking up some Simon Snow/Harry Potter parallels and I love it (winky face).
Also, it was kinda my birthday a week or so ago *bashfully looks down* and I'd love to do a sort of book birthday haul or something of the like… would anyone like that sort of thing??
I am also very very open to recommendations at the moment, please rec me stuff, because if you do, I will write up a review for it and it will be dedicated to the person who recommended it. (Free promotion of your blog/twitter/instagram is something that I am willing to do on request).
As always, follow my twitters and my goodreads account (
here) to keep up with what I'm reading and or doing :)
Leave a comment and get a shout out or follow, you know the drill! Have a lovely day :)
lily xo