loved. If you haven't heard of this or read this, you must have been living under a rock, because I feel like everyone's been saying lately, "READ CINDER ITS GREAT ASDFGHJKL!". And because I can be a little, well, picky, I'd been avoiding it purely on the basis that the cover wasn't very pretty. YES I KNOW I JUDGED A BOOK BY ITS COVER AND YES I KNOW I WAS PROVED WRONG LET'S MOVE ON NOW, SHALL WE?
So if you hadn't already worked this out, Cinder is the retelling of Cinderella in a future society. It's set in New Beijing, and Cinder is a cyborg. Cyborgs aren't uncommon in this society, however they are sort of outcasts. With a plague breaking out and killing lots of humans, an evil moon race trying to attack and the Emporor dying, New Beijing and Earth are in no shortage of problems, and Cinder tries to keep out of it, working hard as a mechanic for her awful stepmother and family. But Cinder gets caught up in gorgeous Prince Kai's problems, and suddenly, everything is dependent on her.
There's no dilly-dallying with boring, angsty descriptions of this dystopian universe, we get straight into the action and all of a sudden BOOM you're sucked into the story. I loved all the main characters, they were really great and I loved the way they interacted…
I highly recommend picking this novel up, even if you're not a sci-fi fan, because it really did feel like more of a contemporary, like Sisters Red (see review here) and Beastly (see review here).
If you want, I can do a review of it and post it soon, but you've got to let me know in the comments! Yay okay so as always, leave a comment with your twitter name and I shall shout you out and or follow you!
Have a lovely day,
lily xoxo
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