Writing and publishing this book has been the most fun and most stressful thing I've ever done, and I'm so proud of it and all the people who've helped me. Thank you to my editor, Lian, who works tirelessly even though I pay her with nothing but my praise and adoration; my title-developer and romance-watcher Tyler; my friends Chantelle, Renee, Cassie, Garcia, Cristen, Annaliese, Jacqui and more. Also, my family — Mum, Dad, Charlotte Mabel — you guys are the best.
Anyways I hope you all love the book, if you buy it I will be ECSTATIC BECAUSE OH MY JACE PEOPLE WANT TO BUY AND READ MY BOOK and I would love to know what you thought, so please hit it up on goodreads or shoot me an email (mywordsarearrows@gmail.com) with your feels if you do read it.
Keep an eye out for the ebook release, which will be soon... keep waiting my little nerds...
Thank you all so much, I love you all for reading my blog content and making my day better with every pageview you give me.
See you all on Sunday!
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